Child's Details

Tip: Please note: LiveWires is only for children in Years 3 to 5. We are unable to accept children outside these years.

Parents' / Guardians' Details

This Term

By completing this form, I am joining the waiting list for a place for my child at LiveWires this term between Friday 6 September to Friday 13 December (no session on 1 November due to half-term).


If my child is no longer able to attend on a Friday evening, I agree to contact the LiveWires team to let them know (see confirmation message for details). If my child is offered a place but does not attend for 3 consecutive Fridays, ChristChurch reserves the right to offer their place to another child for the rest of term.

Consent of Parent / Guardian

Please note: All our childrens leaders are externally vetted as being suitable to work with young people. In the case of outings, separate permission will be requested. The above details will be stored securely on the church database. We will not share this information with anyone unless required to by law. Your privacy is important to us at ChristChurch. You can read our Privacy Notice at any time at

If you would like to occasionally hear from us about future events and groups, please tick the relevant boxes below. Please keep me in touch by:
